(Italiano) Viaggio nella Foligno barocca

Saturday, January 26 at 15.30 there will be a guided tour to discover the ‘600 and the Baroque Foligno, including art, architecture, jousting and extravagance.

Foligno, due to its urbanistic qualities, differs substantially from the rest of Umbria, where an architecture with a medieval flavor triumphs. Città della Quintana, heir to a magnificent baroque heritage, houses some of the most important noble buildings in central Italy. This trip aims to make visitors discover important and valuable pieces of art and architecture.

The appointment is in Piazza San Domenico. First stop: Palazzo Brunetti-Candiotti today home of the Ente Giostra della Quintana, considered one of the most mature and ambitious examples of the Foligno’s typological tradition. Inside the Palace visitors will have the experience of the Quintana 4d Laboratory, an opportunity to experience first hand the great emotion of the Giostra, thanks to the use of new technologies and virtual reality.
Then there will be a visit to the Oratory of the Crucifix and to that of San Giuseppe, still today custodians of the past religious and social history of the city, as well as caskets of art.